Wise Judgement

23 06 2010

Sad is the scenario when  phrases like “If he’s saying, he’s saying it right”  are heard.

Blessed with equal mental and intellectual capabilities, each one of us needs to realize the importance of having their own vision for life. Life is not a 1 hour and 50 minutes movie which we can enjoy through a perspective of camera, we have to see it with our own eyes, own senses and own mind, not what director and cameraman shows us.

Unfortunately, we have turned out to be so lazy that making a wise decision about our opinions of things is not any more important to us. We feel contented to see world through others’ eyes. However, it is desperately needed for each one of us to critically review our perspectives because our point of view changes the things from good to bad, bad to worse and worse to worst.

Another important fact to be considered is a wise judgement of people, we find around. With the rising levels of hatred and professional jealousies, people have started attempting sub-standard ways of defaming others. In similar scenarios, we need to realize and react after developing a critical analysis of the issue. Being a victim, it is not vague any more how things change and how are they made to be 😦

We have become  no more than play toys in the hands of others; seeing what they want us to see, speaking what they want out from us and thinking what govern. This needs to be changed… We have to distinguish our own opinions, our own perspective and our own thinking and judgement.