Approaching Work

12 08 2012

Here comes my way of dealing with new things, I hope it will be helpful:

1.       Finding Motivation

To ensure that you make the most of your capabilities, you need to find some real life motivation to do that specific job. Without being motivated, you cannot ensure 100 % success. If you are a leader, you have to find motivation for others too. A very interesting process; you would certainly enjoy.

2.       Objective

Many of us miss this very fact that before we take the first step for any of our initiative, we should know the reason for it. Without specific objective, we cannot ensure our plans to have a focus, our vision to approach the right direction and our success to meet our efforts. Everything write, is always black and white.

3.       Research

Hardly will you come up with something that’s not inspired by something else or aka copied in simple terms. Therefore, since someone has already done this, why not benefit from his/her experience. Go search out what the Google has stored in for you and add more of your personal imagination to the foundation you find up on the internet waves.

4.       Imagining

You are not the best man or woman unless you can dream with your eyes open and turn them into reality. That’s what Abdul Kalam said about entrepreneurs and that’s what you can practice at a perfect student organization.

5.       Everything Right? Black and White

Speaking from experience, only a plan written and shared well is practiced well. You need to write your work distribution, plan of action, flow charts, responsibility distributions and deadlines at least once by hand and then feed it up in to computer. This will help you identify if you missed anything.

6.       Speaking Numbers not Adjectives

Engineers, scientists, business people…. For heaven’s sake speak with facts and figures and not adjectives like “heavy”, “huge”, “great”. The other person there is expecting you to come up with complete estimates and quantities, don’t talk up in the air. When you speak, you should have a justification and calculation to stand along your words.

7.       Sharing and Discussion

Discussion helps you unveil the perspectives you couldn’t have bother much about but they are very important. You may decide the concentration of your discussion circles but it has to be around people with diverse energies and disputes. This helps you get one mind one direction edge like no other.

8.       Dividing and Ruling

It’s not about dividing people, it’s about dividing responsibility, delegating powers and entrusting authorities within your team. You alone cannot master the game unless and until you keep a few focuses to your head and all the rest to the better ones out there.

9.       Summarize or Elaborate

You should be smart enough to summarize long things and elaborate the short ones. To be an effective manager, this art will help you learn and earn a lot.

10.   Give Value, Be valued

You cannot win the game without winning the hearts of the people you are working with. This is important because the most successful people in this world had the most successful teams behind them. Don’t miss this fact.

Approaching Work



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