and the time went by…

12 09 2011

We often don’t realize the pace our lives move on with, exception for a rainy night or a silent dawn. Thing change, friendships turn to acquaintances; or a mere ‘thank you’ favor-terms; we live and let live; we go and let go!

Starting the blog was more of a passion about year ago. Inspired by; and more about owning a place to speak out; humkhayal came into existence. Things were different then; they are different now! Success had a different definition, terms had different criteria, passions were not so passionate. The grip on life was perfect, but on its players not so well. Distractions were less distracting and mind never got tempted by “the body pump”. Was it fun? or is it the real adventure?

With going low on a profile but higher on many others, stagnant on a few and confused on the one which is most important for a normal being! But hold on, when was I one! Never…. Since the school age the boy was different, not like the usual lot of his class, not with the similar interests his ‘co-actors’  had; and the difference kept on growing wider and wider. And then came up the social media, the much famous “eff-book” .  Things got weird at times and less on occasions!  But it never got normal and the time went by…



One response

12 09 2011

A 30-age-post Osama :p
Carpie diem! (:

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